“The formula 'Two and two make five' is not without its attractions” - Fyodor Dostoyevsky


Well, version 1 is out the door so what's next? The biggest single item is making Fyodor Java 8 only, there's a branch called 'v2' that's going to require Java 8 and will introduce support for java.time into fyodor-core and well as additions to the Fyodor API using streams and functions. The idea is that this will eventually become the master branch and released as 2.0.0, support for Java 7 (version 1.x) will continue with bug fixes and additions for the forseeable future until it is officially EOL'd.

There's a list of issues on GitHub with improvements in the pipeline and other ideas, the plan is that they will be implemented and released in the current version (i.e. the master branch) and merged into the v2 branch as we go along.

Any other ideas and contributions are welcome, see the About page for contact details.